Thursday 10 December 2015

A must in Sydney- Nespresso and city view...

Casual day outfit.

Tops- Supre

Pants- Lorna Jane Chambray Harem Pants

Sandals- Wanted Shoes

Sydney summers call for a hint of colour.

Mine Tan Absolute Foam.

Can be found at Priceline or online at their website below:

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Flew across Manhattan in a helicopter so I naturally couldn't resist taking my own shot of the city.

"If you are greedy for life, that's what New York is all about. If you're trying to get as much as you can everyday, this city is the place to be."

Pam Nelson
Laughing in Starbucks with Mitch. Pretty much becoming part of our regular routine here. Laughing out loud, drinking coffee and acting like the fools that we are.

In the cold weather that is New York in fall, when this sign appears from between the buildings, it is a sign of refuge. Not to mention maybe a delicious Caramel Brulee Latte or two.

Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass. It may have been a cold and grim day, but that didn't stop us hanging out down in Brooklyn.

Fall days in Washington Square Park calls for me trying numerous times to stop Mitch from becoming the king of all squirrels by feeding them all peanuts. It's hard not to be addicted to this time of the year in NYC.